[NMCCSC] !!NMCCSkiClub Dec Meeting!! 7pm Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

Bet Gendron bettygendron at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 14:43:02 MST 2024

*Who are these Wild and Crazy People?*  *James and Amy Mathis*-
multi-talented, tele-etc-types, ski ⚙️gearheads🪛 extraordinaire!  You'll
learn something!  *Hey, our 2024 🎄Holiday🎋 meeting is this Thursday, 7pm
Dec 12, at the Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE.  We have SO much
happening- 2 events at the Meeting!!*  *At 6pm Bryan Taylor will share
info on 🏔️ Avalanche Awareness- we all need this refresher to keep
ourselves and our ski compadres safe!  Come early and take notes!!*  Then,
Marcia wants us all to bring our 🍰 🥮*fave Holiday Goodies🍪* to share for
our *pot-luck Refreshment time*, and enjoy meeting our many *new members* *and
visitors* in your 💃*fancy Holiday dress-ups!!🕺*  You will hear about
our 🚙 *Crested Butte car trip (*WooHoo!), *Yurt trips, *the *Hut
trip**.*  *Dana
Price is working hard to schedule  Instruction for all levels, starting
with Beginning Skiers. ⛷️  Also Intermediate skills, telemark skills,
avalanche awareness&practice, and another Jon Delios XC clinic.*  I'm
thinking there will be some gear/equipment 🎿 to buy&sell!  Won't this be a
great start to the Season? ❄️ See you there! *☃️*
Bet Gendron, Egroups/SocMedia Chair
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