David D Antonio lbghose at aol.com
Wed Nov 13 16:56:09 MST 2024

I’m sure ourrecent snow, which many of you have been enjoying, has sparked interest inother winter activities. So here are a few club sponsored events for you toconsider.


We havescheduled two yurt trips this winter, on January 18-20th to GrouseCreek Yurt (MLK weekend) and February 16-18 to Spruce Hole Yurt (President’sWeekend). Registration will begin for both activities on Sunday, November 24that 5pm. Grouse Creek is a Class 2 outing, while Spruce Hole is a Class 1+.Remember you must be able to carry or pull your sleeping bag, extra clothes, 3 days’worth of food and other incidentals, making this more difficult than a typicalday ski outing.

Long CarTrip

Once again,we will be going to the club’s favorite destination, Crested Butte from Friday February7th until Monday, February 10th. The centrally located OldTown Inn will provide our lodging, and you can expect over 50 km of groomedtrails, many backcountry ski opportunities, a world class downhill area, andmany shops and restaurants all a short distance away. There are 18 double rooms,and 2 singles and registration will begin on Sunday, December 8th,again at 5pm. The club will provide the refreshments for our après skiafternoon meetings where there will be much revelry and boasting of the day’s achievementswhile planning for the next day’s adventures. 

For moreinformation about these trips including costs and how to register, please visitour website at https://ski.nmccskiclub.org/

Questions,email me at lbghose at aol.com.

Don’t forgetour November meeting tomorrow night at the Albuquerque Garden Club at 7pm.

See you on the trails,

David D’Antonio

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