[NMCCSC] Household Membership Renewal

Lisa Hales lisarhales at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 14 09:32:06 MST 2024

Hi All,
I have received a couple of questions about how to renew using the household member discount so I thought I should explain to the group.  Every member must have their own account in our system (the system requires this in order to sign up for events, etc.) If you are part of a household, one member should renew in the standard way -- go to Membership>Member Login, login to their account and scroll down and hit the "Renew, Update or Upgrade" button and submit payment.  The second household member should do the exact same thing in their own account but this time use the discount code 2NDHOUSEHOLDMEMBER to get the $5 discount. These instructions (and the code) also appear on the renewal page.
Good luck and happy skiing!
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