[NMCCSC] Tele Clinic at Ski Santa Fe, Feb 22!

Barry Ritchey barrywind505 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 10:29:05 MST 2025

 *Read this first: Do not reply to all. Contact me directly if you have

*The Ski Santa Fe Tele Clinic is a go for next Saturday, Feb. 22!*
Sorry to have gone dark for the past month, but just got back from Baja.
Looks like I returned to a pretty bleak snowpack, but this week's storm
(and hopefully a few more inches next week) should make for decent snow.
Probably not having a powder clinic, but there are so many aspects of Tele
to work on.
I believe *Brian Taylor* will be my co-instructor.
*Two sessions: 10am-noon & 1-3pm. Do one or both. *
*10am-noon session*: will have a slight bias to lower level skills, but
everyone will be tasked.
*1-3pm session*: Focus will shift to slightly higher skills, but if you're
a beginner and couldn't attend the AM session, you will be accommodated.
*Meet *at the base area, between the wall made of railroad ties and the new
high-speed quad. Allow extra driving time, since skiers seem to be more
rabid after new snow in a snow drought year.
*Rentals/gear?* I always get questions about gear rental and my only
contribution would be a pair of women's Size-8 boots. Sorry that none of
our NM shops/retailers can help out with retail sales and/or rentals. I
feel your pain. That's the price we pay for our niche sport.
*What to bring?* Wider metal-edged skis and plastic boots would be a
preferred kit. But even more important than state-of-the-art Tele gear is:
Show up with a willingness to get out of your comfort zone... just a wee
tiny bit. Having a good attitude goes a looong way!
*Sign up on the club's web site if you want to attend.*
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Contact info below.
Let it snow,
Barry Ritchey (AKA TeleRanger)
505 238-8123
barrywind505 at gmail.com
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