[Volunteers_fosm] Trail Work Report For Monday, April 15, 2019

Robert Lowder via Volunteers_fosm volunteers_fosm at mailman.swcp.com
Wed Apr 17 12:55:55 MDT 2019

Hello Everyone:

On Monday, April 15, 2019, the FOSM trails crew returned to Oso Corredor trail to finish work that was left from a prior hike a couple of weeks ago. During that first hike fallen trees were removed from Bill Spring trail, a portion of Faulty trail and the lower .5 miles of Oso. This time, the crew hiked the remaining 2.2 miles of Oso.

Using a chainsaw, crosscut saws and other hand tools, the crew removed a total of 35 fallen trees ranging in size from 4 to 18 inches in diameter. There were several complex "train wrecks" involving multiple fallen trees that had to be carefully removed one layer after another. The morning was brisk with warming as the day progressed. Most of the trail was dry to semi-muddy, but hikers should be aware of hard-packed and icy snow in some shaded areas which require due caution to cross safely.

Monday's crew consisted of Jerry Pekarek, Sim Cook, Lou Romero, Byron Garner, Jim Levesque and Bob Lowder.

Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative.

Bob L.

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