[Volunteers_fosm] Report of FOSM tree felling & wood splitting, Wednesday., Aug. 7, 2019

Robert Lowder via Volunteers_fosm volunteers_fosm at mailman.swcp.com
Fri Aug 9 10:43:23 MDT 2019

Hello Everyone,

On Wednesday, August 7, ten FOSM volunteers split and hauled a cord of wood from a dead 26-inch Douglas fir hazard tree at Dan's Loop on the Crest Highway between 10K North Trailhead and Ellis Trailhead.

After the tree was felled on the hillside, rounds were rolled down to the pavement where chain saws were used to score the tops into two or four pieces so that splitting them would be easier. The heavy rounds were split so that they were safer for the volunteers to load on the USFS truck.

The attached Word document by Sally Lowder presents photographs and tells the story of the work from felling the tree to splitting the rounds and hauling them to the hazmat building behind the Ranger Station. The wood will be donated to the Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry that will give it to needy East Mountain families.

The volunteers were  Bob Lowder, Sam Beard, Dennis Crowther, Dan Benton, Lou Romero, Eric Russell, Sally Lowder, Michael Arndt, Bill white and Jerry Carroll.

Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains

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