[Volunteers_fosm] Trail Work Report For Monday, May 20, 2019

Robert Lowder via Volunteers_fosm volunteers_fosm at mailman.swcp.com
Tue May 21 18:01:25 MDT 2019

Hello Everyone:

Yesterday, Monday, May 20, 2019, the FOSM Trails Crew, using crosscut saws and other hand tools, removed a total of 42 fallen or hung-up trees from Cienega trail. The reports that previously came in describing the conditions on Cienega as "a disaster" were certainly accurate, or perhaps even an understatement, particularly as applied to the upper 1/3 section. Large numbers of fallen trees appear to be the norm for District trails this year, but the number of large fallen trees on Cienega certainly exceeded the average. The same was true for "train wrecks". (Train wreck is a term used to describe a large jumble of multiple fallen trees completely blocking a trail.) While coming upon such a train wreck is not highly unusual for our crew, having to address no less than five of these monstrosities on the same day was a challenge to say the least. However, this hardy crew does love a challenge so those blockages on Cienega trail are no longer a problem. As of late Monday afternoon, Cienega trail was clear from end to end.

Monday's weather presented a variety of conditions. The morning began cloudy and brisk with periods of warm sun breaking through. A couple brief periods of graupel pellets foretold what was to come. The wind was not a problem but did pick up a bit as the day went on. Also, the drop in temperature was quite apparent as late afternoon approached. By the time the work was complete and a late lunch was taken a little after 3 pm, the crew started the hike down and was greeted by graupel first and then a snowstorm that continued clear down to the parking lot and beyond. All that rain gear everyone carried in their backpacks came in handy. By the time the vehicles were reached, the on-board thermometer read 35 degrees. Winter was making an encore in the Sandias.

While the day ended not feeling much like spring, the flower display along the trail was nevertheless awesome.

Monday's crew consisted of Byron Garner, Jim Levesque, Jerry Pekarek, Rav Nicholson, Bill Savage, Dave McCreery, Bet Gendron and Bob Lowder.

Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Bill Savage, Dave McCreery and Bob Lowder.

Bob L.
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