[Volunteers_fosm] SRD request for no more chain saw work now

Sam Beard samgbeard at msn.com
Mon May 16 18:27:43 MDT 2022

Hello Everyone,

Please see the email below from Julie Padilla, SRD Recreation Staff Officer, in which she asks us to postpone any chain saw work until we are no longer under fire restrictions.

She will check to learn the types of work that we can do under Stage III fire restrictions.

I have lists of projects that Julie would like for us to complete. I will check them to see what the possibilities are.

FOSM project work on Wednesday, June 18, is cancelled.

I will email you if Julie and I find projects that we may complete.

Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains

From: Padilla, Julie - FS<mailto:julie.padilla at usda.gov>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 8:08 AM
To: Sam Beard<mailto:samgbeard at msn.com>
Cc: Powell, Crystal -FS<mailto:crystal.powell at usda.gov>; Berman, Russell - FS<mailto:russell.berman at usda.gov>
Subject: RE: [External Email][Volunteers_fosm] FOSM project felling trees in lower Capulin PA, Wed., May 18

Good morning Sam,

We are discussing the possibility of beginning Stage III fire restrictions as early as next Monday . Given the severity of the situation I would like to ask you to postpone any more chainsaw work until we open the forest back up again. I would definitely like to see these hazard trees come down, but at this stage I think the risk is too high.

I will find out more today about the types of projects that we will be allowed to continue in Stage III restrictions and will reach out to you as soon as I know. In the meantime, are there any non-chainsaw projects you all might be able to tackle this Wed?

Many thanks,


Julie Padilla
Recreation Staff Officer
Sandia Ranger District
Office: 505-281-3304
Cell: 505-933-0711

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