[Volunteers_fosm] Remove 2 doz. graffiti tags in Juan Tabo PA, Friday, 9 am, Aug. 4

Sam Beard samgbeard at msn.com
Thu Aug 3 07:31:17 MDT 2023

Hello Everyone,

Julie Padilla, SRD Recreation Staff Officer, has requested that FOSM remove about 1 dozen graffiti tags (mostly small to medium size) from Juan Tabo PA boulders and the floor of the stone shelter. Several tags on a guard rail and two trash containers can be painted over with brown paint.

I will be working on removing these tags tomorrow morning, Friday, Aug. 4 at 9 am, if you would like to join me. Paint brushes, other tools, and chemicals will be provided.

Please let me know if you plan to work with me.     samgbeard at msn.com

Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains

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