[Volunteers_fosm] FOSM project to remove graffiti tags in Juan Tabo PA, Wed., Nov. 20

Sam Beard samgbeard at msn.com
Mon Nov 18 14:44:18 MST 2024

Hello Everyone,

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, we will be removing about a dozen graffiti tags from boulders and the Juan Tabo CCC picnic shelter. Photos of the tags are presented in the attached file.

World's Best Graffiti Removal System chemical will be used on the shelter stones and boulders. We will paint over tags on painted surfaces with the same color paint, usually USFS brown.

Chemicals, nitrile gloves, small paint brushes, and plastic scrub brushes will be provided.

Wear "paint" clothes and bring eye protection, snacks and drinks.

Meet at 1 pm at the first parking lot on Forest Road-333 several hundred feet from Tramway Road. This road leads to Juan Tabo PA and La Luz Trailhead. The gate to Juan Tabo PA has been locked for the winter, but I have a key that will open the lock.

We are meeting late because the chemicals work better in warm temperatures.

Please let me know by email if you plan to work. We need a short step stool for reaching the high tags in the picnic shelter.

Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains

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