[Volunteers_fosm] Fwd: NEWS RELEASE: Leadership Announcement for Sandia Ranger District & Mountainair Ranger District - Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands

Michael Madden mikemadden52 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 15:59:38 MST 2025

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From: FS-Cibola PAO <SM.FS.CibolaPAO at usda.gov>
Date: Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 1:21 PM
Subject: NEWS RELEASE: Leadership Announcement for Sandia Ranger District &
Mountainair Ranger District - Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands


[image: Forest Service Shield]

*Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands*

2113 Osuna Road NE

Albuquerque, NM 87113

(505) 346-3900




*Leadership Announcements for the*

*Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands   *

*Albuquerque, NM – January 15, 2025 *– The Cibola National Forest and
National Grasslands (NF&NGs) is excited to welcome the following
individuals to our forest leadership team. In their leadership roles, they
will be responsible for the overall management of the unit they are
assigned to, including oversite of recreation, timber, fire, and other land
management activities. Along with leading personnel, they will also serve
as liaisons with community members, local leaders, and elected officials.

[image: Ken Born, District Ranger - Sandia Ranger District, Tijeras NM]*Ken
Born, District Ranger - Sandia Ranger District, Tijeras NM*

Ken Born comes to the Sandia Ranger District from the US Forest Service’s
Southwestern Regional Office in Albuquerque where he has worked since 2018,
primarily as the region’s Recreation Special Uses Program Manager. In this
role, he supported administration of commercial permits which authorize ski
areas, resorts, marinas, outfitters and guides, and recreation events on
National Forest System lands. He has more than 15 years of federal service
and has also served in local government, spending his early career working
as land use planner. He began his time with the Forest Service as the
Forest Planner for the Tonto National Forest in Phoenix, AZ and has been a
District Ranger previously on the Coronado National Forest near Tucson,
from 2015-18. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in environmental
planning from Northern Arizona University, and a Master of Arts degree in
public policy from Stony Brook University.

Ken follows Sandia District Ranger Crystal Powell who has accepted a
position as the Regional Developed Recreation Program Manager for the US
Forest Service Southwestern Region. Prior to the selection of the permanent
District Ranger, the Sandia Ranger District was led by Acting District
Ranger Amanda Ginithan who has accepted a position as the Lincoln NF Deputy
Forest Supervisor.

[image: Shawn Martin, District Ranger - Mountainair Ranger District,
Mountainair NM]*Shawn Martin, District Ranger - Mountainair Ranger
District, Mountainair NM *

Shawn is a graduate of Humboldt State University in 1992 with a degree in
Forestry. Shawn worked 6 years for the Intermountain/Rocky Mountain
Research Station collecting Forest Inventory Data in all 4 corners states.
He worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in UT and AZ for 8 years and
became a certified Silviculturist in 2004. Shawn returned to the Forest
Service in 2005 and served as a District Silviculturist on the Uinta NF &
Coconino NF&NGs. In 2014 he started as the Forest Silviculturist on the
Cibola NF&NG. Shawn served in detail positions as a Deputy District Ranger
on the Flagstaff RD and District Ranger on the Lakeview/Bly RDs on the
Fremont-Winema NF.

Shawn follows the retirement of Mountainair District Ranger Ernie Taylor.
Prior to the selection of the permanent District Ranger, the Mountainair
Ranger District was led by Acting District Ranger Christian Larson who has
accepted a position with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The staff wishes to extend their gratitude to Crystal Powell, Ernie Taylor,
Amanda Ginithan and Christian Larson for their leadership commitment and
exemplary service to the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands.

Cibola NF & NGs District Leadership:

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