[Volunteers_fosm] Reminder: FOSM Membership Meeting - August 1, 2023, 7:00 PM; SRD Conference Room

Joseph C. Giles cliffgiles at mac.com
Tue Jul 25 17:45:28 MDT 2023

Please plan to join us on the evening of August 1 to hear our own Shannon Braune tell us about Cibola Search and Rescue <https://www.cibolasar.org/>. 

Date and Time - August 1, 7:00 PM

Location - Sandia Ranger Station conference room

Speaker - Hello, my name is Shannon Braune.  I am a New Mexico native, dog mom, chaos gardener, tree hugger and probationary member of Cibola Search and Rescue.  I have been a registered nurse for 13 years, primarily in the emergency department.  I currently coordinate an Emergency department nurse residency program at Presbyterian hospital.  Prior to nursing I worked in public health and was an EMT-B and Combat Medic in the Army Reserves.  I have been involved with Cibola Search and Rescue for about a year and am currently on the public relations committee.  I learned about Friends of the Sandia Mountains when I volunteered to provide medical support for the 2022 Sandia Snowshoe Classic.  I have since become a FOSM member and hope to become more involved in the amazing work you all do. 

Program abstract - This talk will consist as a general introduction to Cibola Search and Rescue including who we are, what we do, roles within the team, typical calls, membership/training, how we serve our community and how FOSM and CSAR can collaborate more in the future. 

Livestreaming - Sorry about the sound problems last meeting. Joelle and I will keep trying to get the Zoom livestreaming right. Particulars are:

Topic: FOSM Membership Meeting
Time: August 1, 2023 07:00 PM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 836 0133 4660
Passcode: 425574

Dial in: 346-248-7799 (Not Toll Free)
Caveats from the previous meetings still apply. Zoom participants will have microphones muted and video feed disabled but can communicate using Chat.

This announcement including the Zoom particulars also can be found at https://friendsofthesandias.org/.


Cliff Giles

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